Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You Know Whose Plans Matter

A dialogue between a friend priest and his vocation candidate goes like this:

P: Hey I thought you would be in the seminary before I come back from holidays.

C: Father, I have my plans.

P: Hey who cares about your plans? Your plans don’t matter.

C: But then father whose plans matter?

P: Don’t ask me. You know whose plans matter.

I perfectly understand. I know whose plans matter. I can relate. I had my own plans too before. But then everything changed when He – whose plans matter – surprisingly came from nowhere in my heart and all of a sudden twist the story of my life I thought I can run myself.

The dialogue is just striking. I never thought that I would have to go back to this thought of asking, “Whose plans matter?” All I know is that I am just being true. I know I need this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

right :)